









そこで、Artisteer 2のプログラム自体にテンプレートの元データがあるのではないかと探ってみました。


C:\Program Files\Artisteer 2\Library\Data\Templates\WordPress\Export\Filesディレクトリに同じようなファイルがあることを発見、早速このファイルに修正を加えてみました。

で、新しくテーマを作成してみると、ちゃんと反映されてました。 やったね!


こちらの フォーラム に投稿しました。


注意: このパッチはArtisteer2.4に対応します。


アンパックしたフォルダー(Artisteer2_Patch_for_WP3_Ver*.*\Artisteer 2)を、以下へコピーします。


通常は(C:\Program Files\Artisteer 2)

このパッチはC:\Program Files\Artisteer 2\Library\Data\Templates\WordPress\Export\Files\functions.php を上書きします。



(Please do not use this patch in Artisteer2.5 or more.)

[download id=”13″ format=”1″]


(2010/06/o5  初版)

(2010/06/18 Ver1.1)


(2010/06/22  Ver1.2)


(2010/06/24  Ver1.3)

ウィジェット Vertical menuの複製機能を追加しました。
ウィジェット Vertical menu にタイトルとメニュー選択オプションを追加しました。

(2010/06/25 Ver1.4)

vmenu.simple スイッチへの対応を追加しました。

(2010/06/26 Ver1.5)

menu.topItemBegin & menu.topItemEnd  サポート追加

ウィジェット Vertical menu の表示メニュー選択に、Artisteerオリジナルメニュー(カテゴリー&ページ)を追加しました。

(2010/06/27  Ver1.6)

フッターへのwidget配置機能(テーマ Twenty Ten のような)を追加しました。

テーマのフッターメニューに’sidebar count’ と ‘sidebar position’を追加しました。

widgetsに’sidebar count’で指定した個数のサイドバーが表示されます。


(2010/06/28  Ver1.7)


(2010/07/02 Ver1.8)

IE6 Footer layout bug fix

(2010/07/05 Ver1.9)

The bug by which the menu will be a blank was fixed.  (thx Style)

(2010/07/28 Ver2.0)

The bug fixes into which header.php exported by Artisteer doesn’t load the comment-repla.js script.
The comment form position of replay is not correct in thread comment.

fix the following bugs.
While not creating the menu, a menu does not become an active display even if a page becomes active in a standard menu.

fix lost title attribute for menu a-tag (thx BG)

38 コメント

  1. Great patch. Saw your post at the Artisteer site. Was hoping you had a fix for multi-level, great work. No I do not speak (or read) Japanese. Any chance of making this work for the vertical menu in Artisteer?

  2. Hi Toemon,
    it seems that you are the only one to ask for support, Artsiteer don’t seem to much of help.
    Do you know how one can make a submenu item active with text color.
    Before I used this in the css:
    .art-menu ul .current_page_item a:link, .art-menu ul .current_page_item a:visited{
    color: #fff;

    but it doesn’t work anymore. Do you know what I’m doing wrong? Thanks for the patch again, it works perfectly 🙂

    • Hi Grimur

      To specify the text color of an active submenu with Style Sheet.

      Please try the following code to Style Sheet.

      .art-menu ul li:hover> .t
      color: #FF0000;
      .art-menu .children .t
      color: #00FF00;

  3. Hello Toemon,

    Many Thanks for creating this.

    At the moment I am still using Artisteer V.2.3.x and your patch works great.

    However, if I set the footer widgets to display only 2 widgets they show up on top of each other instead of side by side.

    Any ideas how to fix this.

    Thanks again


    • Hi Jay,

      Are you arranging Widget in two ‘Footer Widget Area’ one by one?
      Or, are two Widgets arranged in one ‘Footer Widget Area’?

      If you arranged two or more Widgets to one “Footer Widget Area”, Widgets is vertically displayed.

      • Hi Toemon,

        Yes I am arranging the Widget in two ‘Footer Widget Areas one by one but if I set it to display only 2 widgets in ‘Appearance – Footer’ they sit vertically.

        Howeverif I set it to display 3 or more widgets but only use 2 widgets they display horizontally but they don’t fill the footer area like they do if I use 1 or 3 widgets for example.

        I looked at the style.footer_sidebar, functions and sidebar.footer.php of the template and couldnt see anything, But I’m no expert. 🙂



  4. Hi Toemon,

    thanks for the reply, but it doesn’t seem to work.
    The color of the submenu text doesn’t seem to change when active

    Do I maybe have to add the code you suggested to the stylesheet in program files or just straigt into the theme’s stylesheet? Or doesn’t it matter?

    I changed the “(“,”)” to { } or is it supposed to be with ()?

  5. Hi Toemon,

    I found a solution for this which worked. Thanks for the quick and helpful responses.
    Just wanted to post also the code that worked:

    .art-menu li.current-menu-item a .t, .art-menu a .t {

  6. Hi Toemon,

    Just noticed this also happens when I add 4 widgets and set the footer settings to 4 widgets.

    Works ok with 1,3 or 5 widgets.



    • Hi Toemon,

      Cancel the above posts.:)

      I just tried it with a new yemplate and everything seems to be fine.(I hope)

      Many Thanks


      • Hi Jay.

        I think,it happens in IE6 at 100% width of the total of widget-area.
        (I’m sorry I do not understand the reason.)

        Please try set width of a smaller value with Widget_area in style.footer_sidebar.css of wordpress themes.

        exsample: Two column footer-widget-area style

        #footer-widget-area .widget-area-type2 {
        float: left;
        padding-top: 0;
        The width setting is adjusted from 50% to 49%.

        1 column using class is widget-area-type1
        2 column using class is widget-area-type2
        3 column using class is widget-area-type3
        4 column using class is widget-area-type4
        5 column using class is widget-area-type5

    • Hi Daverino

      Though it is regrettable.
      I cannot make the patch that supports ‘Custom Header’.
      Because it should change the code of Artisteer.

      However, you will be able to use ‘Custom Header’ by the following processing it.

      • step 1.
        The following codes are added to function.php of wordpress theme that exports with Artisteer

        // get header image size
        if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) ."/images/header.png")){
        list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(dirname(__FILE__) ."/images/header.png");
        } else {
        list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(dirname(__FILE__) ."/images/header.jpg");
        define('HEADER_IMAGE', '%s/images/header.jpg');
        define('HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', $width);
        define('HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', $height);

      • step 2.
        Change the following codes in header.php of wordpress theme that exports with Artistee.
        <div class="art-header-jpeg"></div>
        change to:
        <div class="art-header-jpeg">
        <?php if (function_exists('header_image')) : ?>
        <img src="<?php header_image(); ?>" width="<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH; ?>" height="<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT; ?>" alt="" />
        <?php endif; ?>
  7. Hi Toemon,

    I’m still using v2.3 and after applying the patch my new menus work, but I lose my original menu completely. There is no menu if I don’t create and select one. Any idea why?

    Thanks for your great work on this,

    – Style

      • OK, almost there… my original menu is back now, but as soon as I create a custom menu my original menu is gone and the custom menu is used (even when nothing is selected in Primary Navigation.)

        Thanks for your continued help!

        – Style

        • Still stuck with this one, can you help?

          If I make a custom menu it is used automatically, even when not selected 🙁

          – Style

  8. Look forward to the new patch.

    There are probably a number of people who will not upgrade because they feel it is not worth the extra money if their license has expired. Especially if the old version with your patch serves their needs.

  9. I have an odd one. It appears that the sub-menu items don’t keep the same class names as when the WP nav menu is not being used.

    As an example: if my sub-menu item is white when using the normal Artisteer menu, that same sub-menu item seems to inherit the same color as the parent menu item (gray in this case)when using the WP 3.0 nav menu.

    Hope I explained that clearly.


    • Hi Tanner.

      I am sorry,I cannot understand correctly the problem which you have
      because English isn’t my native language.

      Please send the following two files to me (
      1. The artx file which is brought by a save of Artisteer.
      2. WordPress theme file that exports as zip archive from Artisteer.

      Thank you for the report.

  10. なぜか、IEのみフッターとバーティカルメニューが崩れるのですが、理由はご存知でしょうか。



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